Stay Tuned for upcoming 2024 Workshop Dates

We’ll be at the Boulder Farmers market as a Guest Vendor for the 2024 Season, stop by and say Hello! ~ 13th & Canyon, Boulder CO

Wednesdays - 5/8, 6/12, 7/10, 7/31, 8/14, 9/11 Saturdays - 5/4, 5/25, 6/8, 6/29, 7/27, 10/5

Plant Walks

Join us on the homestead for an introduction into the magical world of plants.  Sip on some tea as we walk and greet native plant ancestors of Colorado, along with others that are easy to grow in this climate. In the spring you’ll meet the plantitas as babies, come back midsummer to meet them in full bloom.

Fire Cider Alchemy

Fire Cider is a time-old folk tonic that aids in immune support, digestion, depression, and stagnation.  Being guided to connect with your own inner fire, you will be encouraged to create your own unique blend that speaks to you and your needs at this time.   You will be introduced to common herbs used in a traditional fire cider tonic, along with others that may complement your own unparalleled blend infused with your intentions.    

Sourdough Magic 101

Itching to learn how to bake sourdough bread but feeling intimidated by the rabbit hole? In this 3 hour workshop you’ll learn everything from how to feed your starter, to how to bake the perfect fluffy loaf of bread, to how to store your starter for later use.  Taking the scary science out of baking bread, Christina encourages you to lean deeper into that inner knowing of this time-old tradition of tending and nourishing the community, connecting deeper to your intuition and trusting what moves you. 

We’ll bake a loaf of bread together to munch on as you prepare your own loaf to take home, along with your fist sourdough starter.